Making Your Side Hustle Work for You
If you’ve toyed with the idea of starting a side hustle, now is the time to take a deeper dive. With more than 80 million small businesses operating in the U.S., it makes sense to look at your options from all angles and find something that fits. Are you ready to be your own boss and put your skills to work? Take advantage of the opportunity to be your boss. Pay attention to the necessary details and structure your work in a way that suits your natural style.
Set boundaries
It’s great to be enthusiastic about your work but keep things in perspective. Take care of your health and keep up with your other responsibilities.
Pick your hours
Enjoy making your schedule but avoid excessive overtime. Many studies have found that staying under 45 hours a week is ideal for your well-being and performance.
Protect your day job
Check your employee manual. Make sure you comply with any company rules about moonlighting and do your side job on your own time.
If you’re interested in making your side hustle a career, you have to take what you’ve learned and applied the principles that have been successful for you in this stage of your business. Focus on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses to maximize the potential success of your business. While it won’t be easy going from working independently to being managed by someone else, great entrepreneurs know that inspiration can lead to innovation, and innovation can lead to growth – and growth is crucial to creating great businesses.